New DAX members with interesting coupons
The DAX is due for the biggest change in its 30-year history. In September 2021, the leading German index will be expanded from 30 to 40 companies. The increase will also bring the DAX into line with international standards. The leading indices in France and Italy are also composed of 40 stocks, and the EURO STOXX 50 - an important index for the euro zone - has 50 members.
Should this change go through as planned in September, exchange-traded index funds (ETF) would also have to adjust their portfolios. For this purpose, the new DAX members with the index-identical weighting must be purchased. According to Morningstar, ETFs managed a total of almost 13 billion euros in positions on the DAX in September this year.
For investors looking for attractive coupons, the new DAX members such as Hannover Rück, Porsche, Zalando, Qiagen and HelloFresh could be interesting. We have calculated different combinations of Callable Barrier Reverse Convertibles, which offer strong conditions despite conservative barriers.
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