New Pricing Form on deritrade
Since 26 April 2024 the new pricing form on deritrade is available for all users. The new pricing form brings a better user experience and increase the efficiency of comparing prices of different products.
What’s new in the pricing form?
We keep as many inputs as possible when a user switches from one product category to another. For example, underlyings and trade amount will not be removed. This will save time and make the pricing for a user more efficient.
Here are some more highlights:

- A new look of the products selection list
- A new layout: Related fields are grouped together so it is smoother to fill in the pricing form.
- Callability: Autocallable and Issuer Callable features are directly selectable on the pricing form, which reduces the product categories in the product list and eases the switch between callable and non-callable products
- Preferences: All the preferences are located centrally in the preferences setting, including demo mode, additional fields and expanded results.
- Notifications are labelled with different colors depending on the importance level.

Would you like to learn more about the new pricing form on the multi issuer platform deritrade?
Reach out to our deritrade team today. We are here to guide you every step of the way, helping you achieve your financial goals with confidence and efficiency.
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