Better product terms thanks to a choice of Vontobel issuers?

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Vontobel Structured Products can be taken out on deritrade with either Vontobel Financial Products (FP) Dubai or Bank Vontobel Zürich as the issuer. This setting can now easily be adjusted in the pricing mask – in each individual instance, no less.

With immediate effect, deritrade users have the option in the pricing form to individually select through which Vontobel issuer the product should be issued: Bank Vontobel Zurich or Vontobel FP Dubai. The preferred settings can also be set as default (without adjustment from the deritrade user side, Vontobel FP Dubai is set as default).

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It might be worth a look: potentially better product terms

Product conditions can be a key factor in deciding whether to trade with Vontobel FP Dubai or Bank Vontobel Zurich. Currently, for example, better conditions can be realized for clients with issuer Bank Vontobel Zurich.

As Bank Vontobel Zurich is a Swiss issuer, there may be differences in the taxation of the products for clients compared to Vontobel FP Dubai.