New on deritrade: Outperformance Certificates and an advanced search option
We are constantly expanding our deritrade platform offering and we are now making Outperformance Certificates available.
This product type is categorized as a "Participation" structure. The Outperformance Certificate is suitable for investors who have a positive expectation of the performance of an underlying.
The redemption at the end of the term is determined on the basis of the price of the Underlying at Final Fixing. If the price of the Underlying is at or above the Strike Price, the Strike Price plus the difference between the Final Fixing price and the Strike Price multiplied by the Upper Participation, is paid out.
If the underlying closes below Strike, investors will receive the physical share, or a corresponding cash settlement (depending on the selected settlement type).

Example of an Outperformance Certificate
- Underlying: Swiss Life (SLHN SE Equity) Vontobel Buy Rating
- Current price: CHF 590.80
- Payoff at maturity: final price SLHN SE Equity = CHF 649.88 (= performance of 10.00%) = 10.00% *1.40 = 14.00% (realized performance)
New advanced search option
deritrade now also offers the possibility to view the entire underlying universe: by using the filters the different underlyings can be selected. This automatically generates new investment ideas.
For example, the "Industry" and "Sector" filters can be used to identify various alternatives that differentiate the portfolio context. With the "Country" filter, it is possible to identify specific underlyings in selected countries. In addition, ESG ratings from MSCI, which indicate if an underlying asset meets ESG criteria, are also included.